STA/ISS 313 - Spring 2023 - Project 1
data set.Contains information on Pell Grant awards to U.S. college students from 1999-2017
Compilation of yearly data sets collected by U.S. Department of Education
6 columns: Name, State, Total Award, Year, Recipients, Session
Created two additional variables: average pell grant per school and region.
Spatial graph showing average pell grant award across presidential terms for individual states in U.S.
Line graph which explores time series progression of pell grant awards by region.
Which states have seen greatest changes in their proportion of students receiving awards over time.
Created the proportion_recieving_pell variable
Overall increase in amount of money awarded in pell grants over time.
General decrease in the proportion of students receiving pell grants over time.
This contradiction is likely due to increasing tuition costs over time.